Although the Christians, those who believed in God and obeyed the rules of The Old Testament, existed for a long time before the arrival of Jesus Christ on Earth, the Christian Church appears after what the Son of God was born and he spread the word of God. The human kind, even from their very beginning, since Adam and Eva, distanced them from the life of God, falling under the sin of the snake and becoming mortals. The doors of heaven were shut down for everyone, even for who believed in God.
Lord Jesus, through his death on the cross and through his resurrection in the third day, broke the power of death that governed the humanity. He sat free all the believers that were in Hell, bringing them in the place on the eternal happiness: in Heaven.
In this very moment, The Christian Church finds its own place. A life that respects the laws of the Bible guarantees a place in heaven, where the happiness lasts forever. This is the reason why the heavenly happiness cannot be described, because the man, kept inside his own body, obeying to the rules of flash, cannot understand the enormous happiness of the soul when it is near God.
The apostles, the first priests of the Christianity
Now more than 2000 years ago, the people were not prepared to receive Jesus. Although the Jews, the people chosen by God, were waiting the Emperor that would lead them to the light, they were not prepared to receive Him as a fish man. They were waiting for the son of god to come surrounded by all the light and splendor of a king.
So Jesus did not speak directly to the people. He used parables that would contain all the wisdom he wanted to leave to the people. The twelve apostles were simple persons, who had the job to continue spreading the word of God, being closely taught by Jesus. As a part of the liberation of the world, Christ created a church (Mat 16:18; Mat 18:17).
The apostles were the first priests of the Christianity. They received from Jesus “The Holy Spirit” and the mission to spread the word from the Evangel. The apostles had the power to baptize and to forgive the sins of the men, through the gift of the Holy Spirit Jesus blessed them with. Before rising up in the sky, Christ promised to the apostles than the new church he created was the right one and that, from the sky, he will take care of it, so that it will be protected from all lies. “The doors of the houses of the dead shall not defeat it” (Dan 2:44; Mat 16:18).